In a recent episode of the real crime series “Snapped,” the tale of one of West Virginia’s few known serial killers was revisited.
The narrative of Reta Mays, who was found guilty of killing seven veterans at the Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center in Clarksburg, is told in the episode, which debuted on NBC on June 2.
Reta Mays is pictured in this image, which was made public by the West Virginia Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority on July 14, 2020. (The Authority of the West Virginia Regional Jail and Correctional Facility via AP)
During the course of an 11-month period in 2017 and 2018, 48-year-old Mays killed seven patients and attempted to kill another by injecting them with unnecessary insulin, which caused their blood sugar to plummet and their organs to collapse due to hypoglycemia.
Mays was a nursing assistant without the proper authorization to give prescription drugs.
Doctors, attorneys, victims’ families, special agents, and detectives are interviewed on the program to describe how the case progressed from hearsay about a “angel of death” to the current serial killer in West Virginia being found guilty.
It also asks why a veteran who received care at the VA Medical Center in Clarksburg would murder other veterans.
“Reta Mays” is the twentieth episode of season 33 of “Snapped,” and it can be viewed on Peacock and Amazon Prime.
For seven murders and one attempted murder, Mays is presently serving seven life sentences plus an additional 20 years. You can view pictures of her victims below.
Matt Pinner is a dedicated journalist for, specializing in USA and crime news. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for uncovering the truth, Matt brings timely and insightful reporting to his readers. His work on keeps the community informed and engaged with the latest developments in national news and criminal justice.